The 15+ clinical studies are clear: Anti-Spike is the best, most powerful natural supplement to reduce glucose spikes.
Mulberry leaf
White mulberry leaf (Reducose®, 250mg) contains DNJ, an alpha-glucosidase inhibitor which lets sugar molecules of your meal pass through to your microbiome without being absorbed into your bloodstream. This leads to a 40% reduction in the glucose spike of the meal.
Citrus polyphenols
This lemon extract (Eriomin®, 250mg) contains eriocitrin and naringenin, natural flavonoids that regulate inflammation, increase antioxidant capacity and GLP-1. This means better natural defenses, lower inflammation, and feeling naturally more satiated.
This is a concentrated blend of 100mg of vegetable extracts to provide natural polyphenols to your body. The vegetables are: purple carrot, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, zucchini, cucumber, and artichoke. With this ingredient you will harness powerful benefits of vegetables on your health.
Cinnamon extract
Cinnamon is the most widely studied glucose-improving plant. It helps your body uptake extra glucose as it arrives into your bloodstream, and has been proven to combat insulin resistance. Anti-Spike contains 85mg of an extremely high quality extract of cinnamon.
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